Glenna/G;emma’s Summer Workshops

Glenna has adopted the name G;emma – a name that reflects the fact that her right hand often migrates one keystroke to the right on the computer keyboard, It also is a name more akin to her Italian heritage. And so, for all artistic purposes, Glenna is G;emma!

Throughout June and July, G;emma will join a team of veteran dancers this summer for a project called KODA – keep on dancing – an arts-for-health project funded by the Erasmus + foundation. The project takes place at Artis Umbria – a gorgeous retreat center in Umbria Italy and at the Impulstanz Dance Festival in Vienna, Austria.

From May 29th – June 5th, G;emma co-teaches a playshop at Artis Umbria

Un/Folding and Rewilding: Entering the Fold 

The playshop will be shared with dancer and Myoflex practitioner, Kerstin Kussmaul on fascia ; Rewilding You Matrix

Here’s a chance to dive deeply into exploring the somatic body in its infinite connectivity!

The KODA – keep on dancing – project will engage elders in classes in the somatic dance and movement arts over the course of 4 weeks.  G;emma will be part of a team of six seasoned somatically-based dance artists who are active in community dance in their native countries 0f Turkey, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, and France. G’emma then heads for Vienna in July to teach another  week at the Impulstanz Dance Festival. Founded in 1984, ImPulsTanz has been Vienna’s largest International Dance Fesstival with over 300 events over the course of 6 weeks.

Glenna will teach another workshop on folding inspired by her work in Italy.

Alexander Technique Teachers and Aficionados!

Join Glenna and other Alexander Technique teachers for an unforgettable summer workshop in Slovenia!

4th International AT Teachers Convention

August 25th – 31st 2024


Spring into Fall 2024 with a book launch!

Intellect Books/University of Chicago

December 9th, 2024 – the official book launch of embodied enquiry in art making: entering the f/old 

Susan Sentler & Glenna Batson, editors, along with 8 other contributors

The most recent workshops with Glenna and Susan…Stay tuned for for offerings!


          the f/old as somatic\artistic practice


image collage Susan Sentler, dancer Stella Papi, from Sfilare II 2011

     an online event/workshopping with Susan Sentler & Glenna Batson

      April 20th & 21st 2024

What is a fold, but a joining of surfaces.  This event invites the curious to enter and re-enter the ephemeral fabric of folds/folding. Like a gesture of needle-to-cloth, the f/old as somatic\artistic practice is a tactile confabulation with the pliable, thingy-ness of pleated materialities. The first prick is generative – it gives rise to a stain, that gives rise to a process.   Rummaging into the juxta-folded surfaces of the somatic moment, we are inducted into liminal space. Nothing is lost or absent in the encounter … micro-fibril, grain, grit, hair, string, tendril, thread. Lapsing into the unknown, we meet the filigree of making, the irreverent remains of a baste stitch – a vein, a faint imprint of muddle, mystery and memory. Come join this gathering and enfold into the soft cuff of the f/old, a corporeal toile of co-creation.