CCRG ColloquiumSomatic Education for Humanity’s Future

Embodied, Enactive, Emancipated

This Colloquium is sponsored by The Creative Corporealities Research Group in conversation with Co-CCRG directors, Drs. Thomas Kampe and Mary Steadman & Dr. Glenna Batson, visiting Fulbright Senior Specialist

Wednesday, 16th of October, 2019 6 pm – 8 pm

All are invited to this discussion


Is Somatic education (Somatics) merely a ‘witness’ to today’s global poly-crisis? Or, does this form of embodied education offer compelling tools for thriving in the twenty-first century? During its century-long history, Somatics honed a rich archive of movement practices whose unifying hallmark was embodied autonomy. Today, this narrative has shifted from a focus on Self potential, towards a critical enquiry that redefines human-planetary stewardship. As a model of emancipatory education, Somatics seeks to expand human capacity for activism within the scope of current societal challenges. Emancipatory models of Somatic education now ground human agency within a milieu of cultural sensitivity, inclusivity and mutual support. The Creative Corporealities Research Group at Bath Spa University has drawn together an interdisciplinary group of individuals who – through embodied practice – respond to issues in reframing contemporary humanity. Such responsivity finds its motive force in creative, body-based explorations that, at once, are embedded in cultural contexts, and that also resonate on personal intellectual and visceral levels. We invite all interested persons into this conversation and look forward to a stimulating dialogue on the human in the quest for a better world.